Because temperament is the dividing line between children who sleep . . . and those who definitely doĀ not.
Get my freeĀ Temperament Quiz to see what traits might be makingĀ your kiddo fight sleep with everything they've got.
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I'm Macall Gordon, M.A.
Twenty-some years ago, I had two intense, sensitive, alert little ones and I really thought I was failing at this "parenting thing." What I've learned is that my struggle (and the struggle of millions of other parents) stems from a lack of information and support for parenting kiddos who are just a little more "on" than other children.
"Livewires" are children who can have more "current" running through their systems and they require a higher level of parenting skill and stamina.
I'm a researcher, author, and certified Gentle Sleep Coach who specializes in what it takes to navigate sleep and parenting with temperament firmly in mind. I've now worked with thousands of families. If you are struggling, you are not alone.
Check out my website -- littlelivewires.com -- for more.

Talk to me. . .
Book a one-hour call
At this time, I'm offering one-hour video calls to discuss what you're struggling with. We'll discuss the issue and potential strategies to address it. You will also receive an emailed summary after the call. (This call does not include follow-up, but referrals to coach colleagues is available.)
Book Now
Book a 30-minute call
This call is used as aĀ follow-up to the one-hour call or for very simple questions. This call is not appropriate to answer general questions about sleep issues or to assess a problem. Please book the one-hour call for that.
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