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Want toĀ learn a little more about why sleep has been SO...DARNED...HARD?
TheseĀ courses will give you the info you need to connect the dots between your child's temperament and why nothing has worked to improve sleep.
Three different lengths to fit how much time you actually have. And they're audio courses (like podcasts) so you can listen to them while you're trapped in the dark waiting for your non-sleeping child to finally (for the love of god) to go to sleep.
Sleep help (finally) to the rescue!!!
Here's what you'll learn
Your child's livewire traits
Learn about your child's strengths and challenges and how this impacts your experience of parenting. (Spoiler alert: it is not for the faint of heart)
How temperament affects sleep
I mean, how does it not? Temperament impacts every part of sleep and every step of sleep training.
Five gamechanger strategies
that are just for livewires. Usual sleep methods don't work for these alert little ones. Learn five strategies that do.
I'm Macall
I'm a researcher and certified sleep coach. But, more importantly, I had two livewires more than 20 years ago and none of the sleep or parenting advice all.
I really (REALLY) struggled with sleep because it was cry-it-out or gut-it-out..and neither one is a great option.
I've worked with thousands of parents and hear some very common things.
"My sister's baby already sleeps through. I can't even put mine down."
"It's like she has FOMO. She just doesn't want to go to sleep...ever."
"We've tried all of the methods and none of them (NONE of them) worked at all."
"What am I doing wrong? I'm so tired."
It doesn't have to be this way. Sign up to get on the list!
(I do not bombard you with dumb emails...only info that you asked for or would be helpful.)
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